Top 10 Space Conspiracy Theories

9. Shifting poles

People believe that earth has been either rotating on different axis or the polar axis. Some tend to believe that the Earth’s North and South poles have relocated itself based on the Earth’s crust shift.

Many phenomena’s like Climate change, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are believed to occur due to the stress caused on the earth’s crust due to the shift. Some claim that the earth might go another crust shift- having the original landmasses to submerge under water and new land to appear.

Shifting Poles
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Image Source: howstuffworks

Many skeptics dismiss this hypothesis as baseless rumors, but this polar shift hypothesis enters the realm of conspiracy when people claim that the government and scientists know about the phenomena yet are not revealing any information to avoid all possible havoc.

The magnetic poles are shifting of the earth which means that North Magnetic Pole is moving slowly northwest across the northern stretches of Canada. In other words, if you travel with 10 years gap across the globe you would end up at different locations each time.

8. The Secret Lunar Base

Our moon also gets bombarded with many space conspiracies one being the formation of the lunar base at the far side of the moon. The earth and moon are under a tidal lock which means that the moon rotation has slowed down over many years to the extent that the same side of the moon faces the planet. It’s known as tidal locking. So, whenever you look up at the moon you’ll see the same features, it also can be interpreted as the far side of the moon, also known as the dark side- one which is out of the view.

The Secret Lunar Base
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Image Credit: NASA/Lewis Research Center

Many of these conspiracies go back to Nazis in World War II or to the United States or simply aliens whose existence is a mystery itself. We have taken many looks on the far side of the moon, but none seem to indicate the presence of the lunar base. It just seems to exist only in the sci-fi movies like “Iron Sky” or “Transformers: Dark of the Moon”.


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